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I've just finished current content, I have to say I'm amazed at the sheer number of moving parts! Excited to see where it will go, great work ! 

any size change (giantess or shrinking)?

yep! barmaid elami gets to be a good 10ft! and there's tons of shortstack content ;3

when i try to download thee game, it dosent download. I tried giving permission for pop ups, but it still does not work. what should i do?

After clicking on "No thanks......take me to downloads" and after i click on the download link, nothing happens

maybe check your browser settings? some safety features might block downloads.

if you are trying to download it on mobile, it won't work 

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i checked all the browser setttings(that i know of) and i can download games from other sites, idk why i cant download games from itch io. Really love the game btw. I tried downloading on microsft edge and chrome, should i try a different browser?

looks like im stuck lol

Is there a discord for this game


there is, but as of right now it is patreon exclusive (for age verification purposes) 

Will there be an Android version in the future?

when we are closer to our final release, yes 

whenever I try to talk to Matthias, it just insta-closes without giving any talking options(at least when I’m not on the spy route)

this is technically a bug, but it essentially means that there arent any talk options for you to use. 


Please more cock growth hyper content this made me so happy, also, will ever be himbo transformations? Asking for a friend :P


Himbos will be coming, don't worry~

Another question that came to mind, if we can change Matthias' gender preference can we hope to do the same with other characters like Richter, Gethra, Akarion, odeval, etc? It's a question asked more than anything to know if I should expect something like that or not

Most likely! The ones we currently have planned are I believe Richter and Magnificence as well for targets

good to know and thanks for the response

Game seems great but I cant play it, might just be because Im on android but the text box is super dark and hardly readable. Impossible in some parts actually. I don't know what it happens, the first time I tried the game it worked fine. It actually happened to be a few hours after the last update, but now anytime Im on itch and try playing the game after the first time it starts up and the text box is super dark, the rest of the screen is fine. Not sure how or why but if you could try and patch it I would love to give this game the proper play it deserves 

the game is not yet mobile compatible. this issue should be fixed if you use a pc browser!

I dont have a pc XD. But alright, just thought it might have been a bug since it did run fine the first time and the extra darkness only effects the text box and names. And out of curiosity, do you planning on making the game android compatible if/when it comes to mobile?

eventually once we are closer to completion, yes! 

Sadly not on android so I can't save and play later qwq

From what I see in the list of things added in V 0.20 it is suggested that Mathias' gender preference may change to one oriented towards men... it is an idea that I love. Is it something that we can really do using our influence or is it something that happens due to some theme in his plot?

its player driven! you can do it at any time that he is marked, even if you arent a spy!

wonderful, I'm dying to try it :3

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Is there a changelog somewhere? I would like to see what was added, but I can't find one. Preferebly one I don't need to download.

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we have a rough changelog included with the walkthrough. we don't really post it anywhere else atm. 

Could one be added to the developement log? I see update announcements on Fur Affinity, maybe one could be added there as well?


so, when is the update coming,  anxiety driving me insane rn fr, not rushing you people, i just want to know

should be a matter of hours! 

it's ready! 


holy, just read the new v 0.20 walkthrough and wow, it's big huh, good luck to you people working on this, cant wait for the next update now


thank you! we hope you all enjoy! 


I wander if the delay has been extended again this month? they gotta be fighting with a nasty bug or something.

Separate note though has anyone else noticed how Matthias has only 2 tf's so far?he didn't even get a bar maid tf in that update. he seems a bit neglected in that department just saying.

sorry, it's a big update X3

and dont worry lol, the next update (0.20) is themed entirely around matthias's storyline


I ask again can you change the text color

we cant, but it's only a problem on mobile since we use a custom textbox. just open it in a web browser and you should be fine. 


Will there be a free version of the 19th version of the game?


Yep! Just delaye

Deleted 46 days ago

I don't see any mention of cancellation in Patreon nor Subscribestar. Only delays.

the next update has been unfortunately delayed. should be no more than a day more. thank you for your patience! 


When is the update going to be finished

we're running a bit behind on this most recent update. we hope to have it out by tomorrow night! 


ok sorry I am just really excited 


Is there a way to change the text color


+ Will the 20th version of the game be released soon?


We plan to release it on Patreon hopefully on the 6th

Will the game be translated into Spanish, Russian or Chinese?

Likely once it's complete

How close are we from the grand release

we estimate we are a little under half way complete! 

I just had a sudden question, how many challenges are you going to do

a crap ton lol 

One question, is the game only in English or is there a version in Spanish or do you know a way to play it in Spanish?

only English for the time being. we will try to add some translations once the game is complete! 

Would be cool if I could change the enemy nations view on different specie marriage, that way I don't have to change to their specie to advance their romance.

its certainly possible! 

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Will there be more pregnant forms in the future with different characters 



Every month is a joy because a developer is keeping up with there game and each update is a banger after banger after banger

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will all the characters have a milf form?

most likely! 


When is the next update

3 more days! 

So, a question regarding Prince Lois: After the transformation, Gethra mentions finding her with five influence for a last step. My question is this: Is she referring to her TG form, is this currently unimplemented, or is there something I'm missing?

It's referencing a part not in game yet. It will lead to Gethra eventually turning Lewis into a lion which she claims a true king must be

Why did you have to  be so mean when you click the 10k influence? I got an ending and wanted to mess around after that and was just insulted. (I'm not actually mad or anything I just am a little dissapointed.) Very good game though!

its an old April fools gag from a while back XD

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i just wanna say as a long-time fan, thanks for reading carefully at our comments. It really helps out a lot compared to the creators that respond once every year, for you and for the public. Thank you for going out of your way to answer our questions! (even if they're a little repetitive sometimes)

awe that means alot! to be honest, I think answering comments is rather fun X3


Gotta say, this is my favorite VN to pop back and check on every now and then, assuming I remember its Royale and not Royal.
Came for the initial WG tag but enjoy the route interactions. 

Seeing the other transformations pop up as time goes by is nice and I have to say that seeing Rhianna getting not just the hyper BE route but also a muscle route that melds in and, mostly, lets you remain on friendly terms without the Love at first sight transformation is pretty neat.

Although I always pine for more WG content, I'm eager to see how things develop. 

Hi slushyanimals,

I have a few questions for him.

1. When will the "20th version" be released?

2. Will there be any more sex scenes involving the characters?

3. Will Lewis have any more gender reassignment versions?

4. Will there be a continuation of the plot?

5. How many endings will there be in the game?

1, version 0.20 will be released on the 4th of next month on our patreon/subscribestar

2, yes

3, yes

4, yes

5, we have no clue lol 

I don't know why but everytime i go to the Barmaid Update when RItcher talks to Felcandra, i can't see the dialouge, it's completly gone 

try clicking on one of them! this is a pop-up menu that lets you click on who you want to talk too. depending on which forms are active, rhianna and felcandra might show up as options. you can talk to any number of them, but talking to richter concludes the segment. 

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will transformations be visible in sex scenes? do you plan to use a 2.5d sprites like in my dystopian robot girlfriend, silent echo or other games?

1, probably not. the game already has some characters with 50+ forms, so needless to say, making sex positions combining each character's form sets would be nearly impossible and probably take us a decade. still, we're going to do our best to give proper attentions to the forms everyone loves! 

2, probably not. we are about half way done, and its not really something we would want to invest in retrofitting. 

Does this game have any F/F or M/M?

yup! there is at least one romance for each gender pairing! 

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Really good game. Hope to see more interactions with a "lake" zone. Developer, good luck with your project, and to you too.

As far as I understand, the 20th version is final, right? Or will there be more versions (for example, 21 or 22)?

oh for sure. we're probably only half way through development right now 

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