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(1 edit) (-1)

This comment isn't entirely game-related, but I wanted to give a shout-out to the artist "RTF-M" on Furanity.

She draws some great FTM and muscle growth sequences (she even has animations) that could serve as a great source of inspiration and reference for future style transformations in the game :3


I seen RTF-M and this person isnt lying, Great FTM and muscle growth art she makes

i cant find felcandra, any tips or advice? (im trying to date them)

keep a close eye on the backgrounds as you are exploring. Felcandra is hiding in plain sight~

In the parapet and in the dinning hall Felcandra will be as one of the statues faces while in the garden it will be their shape in a tree in the background

how do i get dog Lewis? Cuz i thought maybe making Rhianna my lover would work but it didn't is it not available yet?

it is unlocked through rhianna's romance! try to make sure that she and lewis have at least 5 influence between them, then if lewis is marked, you should be able to talk to her about joining her court through the talk menu 

one final question how do you get like the big barmaid Reece?

When Richter opens his bar and after he invites everyone else, if you find Reese while he's marked he can be transformed

Thanks again

how do you get the devil version of marazet?

After giving her a dick, there'll be an option to corrupt her even further while she's marked



(1 edit)

can we change back if where transformed or not will there be a feature to allow to transform back or not ?/ some sex scenes are black out and some are not 

the rules of felcandra's game are that no transformations can be undone! 

most of the sex scenes are placeholders for now. we wont be able to give all of them artwork in the final game due to how many forms each character can have. 

Hi! If it's not a secret, what will be in the next version? Will Lewis have a bigger transformation in the next version?

everything included in the next version is showcased in the walkthrough! 

There's a bug after Rhiana's spy conversion where if you use love at first sight it overlays the lovestruck Rhiana over her, and the same goes for if you do muscle gain after spy where it shows the original changed clothing overlaying the spy model

I noticed that, literally was thinking why does she have third arm but it's black LOL

I managed to get the sex scenes for Jonathan, Azymadia, and Vixxy. I probably have to experiment more to get the Sylvie's scene.


Actually it's just not implemented yet. Hopefully soon though!

What forms are needed for those scenes?

(2 edits)

It should be TG Akarion, TG Magnifence, and Kingmaker Louis.

its AR gethra instead of tg akarion

Will there be a continuation of the story with the milf Lois?


How do you get the Magnificence twin ending?

Talk with Magnificence until the “discuss beauty” option appears. In this discussion, the “not everyone is as vain as you…” option will appear if Magnificence has 9 or more influence, and you are marked. Selecting that option will start the twinning bad end. 

Will Lewis have more TG forms in the next updates?


What are the currently available sex scenes, and how does one gain access to them?

How do I launch mar spy draco? I tried to follow the instructions, but nothing worked for me, please tell me.

step 1: win in CH2 against marazet. you will need to talk to her twice before she accepts your partnership in that challenge. 

step 2: in CH3, try to cross the gap as early as possible. marazet should tackle you! if she does, she should also become marked. 

step 3: go to the courtyard area in order to watch the event where Matthias turns her into a draconoclast spy! 

Is there any reason why Mat can become a king even if they don't get marked during the previous challenge and/or has no spy's acquired?

i'm not sure what you mean? 

(1 edit)

During a maid play-through is fully possible to have mat not only be denied of all possible spies that they could "trust", but also to win the "third challenge" (Ramen loses) making it "logically" impossible for them to become a king by the rules given.

(because they are not marked and they have no one to transform them (unless "Mable" counts for that goal.)

ooh gotcha! yeah that is probably a bug 

Quick question: When is a bug fix found in a free version fixed? Is is fixed in that version (no significant wait), is it found fixed when the paid version becomes free (one month wait) or is it fixed on the version in development (two month wait)?

Also. Fel doesn't seem to give any influence during challenge 3 despite implying they do as of the present free version. But i am not quite sure.

(1 edit)

for the sake of saving time, we only do bug fixes on the most recent version of the game, meaning if a bug is reported on the public version, it probably wont be patched until the next update is public. 

thats probably a bug? at what point did you cross?

Will we get new dialogue for old forms


I cant figure out how to do chimera luis pls help

no worries! here are the relevant sections from the walkthrough!:

Dating Felcandra: becoming Felcandra’s partner is now fully available! In order to do this, find Felcandra’s hiding places twice in the leadup to challenge #4 (detailed in “Finding Felcandra”), and answer their questions correctly (“so this is just a game to you?” in the first encounter, and “Happiness” in the second). Once you have done that, Felcandra’s bust in the dining hall should appear during challenge 4 when the player is prompted to select a date. If you select Felcandra, you will be able to ask 3 questions about the competition. Felcandra will rate each of these questions differently, but selecting 3 that they respond positively too will unlock the next stage. After the date, follow Felcandra’s clue to the reflecting pool, and click on their cabin (which will appear if they like you). From there, the scene will have a few options, one of which turns Lewis into a Chimera. 

Finding Felcandra: during every mingle phase aside from the first, Felcandra will be hidden in a randomly decided location on the map. Felcandra can be discovered by clicking on them in the background when they appear. They will then award the player with 3 influence and have a short conversation with them. Felcandra’s affection will be raised with correct answers, but there is no payoff implemented yet. Affection cannot be gained if Lewis has taken on major mental changes.

Thx i figured so much out already, but i dont find the right options for this

What are the questions he positively responds to?


you will know based on how they react! you can use the mouse wheel to rewind until you find the best options!

thanks it worked eventually

(2 edits)

is it possible for Felcandra to not appear during mingle phase 2? i swear i combed all 4 areas i have access to. i have clicked every spirit i saw.

is it perhaps due to the save i started on being a few updates outdated? 

tried from a new save, speedran past challenge 2 (chess) but i still cant find them. am i doing something wrong?

(1 edit)

i cant find felcandra (after challenge 2, chess)

by the way, are you going to update the silouhettes on the walkthrough?

During mingle phase 2, Felcandra will appear in one of the following spots:

we will probably redo the walkthrough soon :p 

How to get Elami’s perfect princess event?

Elami’s perfect princess (Lewis): this scene will play if during the second mingle phase, female Lois is marked, not in a conflicting form (maid, spy, dalmatian), and Elami has more than 3 influence. Once those conditions are met, trigger this scene by entering the lions den area. In this scene, Elami will enact a plan to turn the bastard Lois from a shameful child, into a lioness princess. 


Matthias is very cute as Gecko, I already want to see how muscular Reese will be in the next public update :3

For some reason, the ascend option for ascending after turning Mathis into a gecko isn't showing up. Is this exclusive to being marked?

yup! no changes can happen if you aren't marked

When will the game be properly ported to android? I would love to try the game out but Im have text box problems thats making it impossible to read the text

when we have completed the game we will research a full android port

Found a bug, if you do true love with Rhianna and then loose to Matthias who then turns Rhianna into a spy, both sprites overlap creating an amalgamation.


Usually, there is a development log with a picture of the new update, did you guys decide it is no longer necessary?

we will add it very soon! just taking a lil bit, sorry for the wait! 

Just got to say it with this new update love the new slug form for Odenval. I honestly want to see a conversion boss that turns the rest into slugs like them.

How should you get Male Spy Lewis?

I think by losing to Matthias in the 2nd challenge, the chess game.

lose to matthias in the second challenge after you have defeated akarion in the first! 

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How many more updates are you going to add in your game and when a person downloads your game, do you know if the downloads updates as well or no?

we aren't sure how many updates we will need to make before we reach a finalized state. the downloads section will always contain the most up to date public release of the game! 

Small question regarding the minor TFs and the votes
I presume these are more for 'Order of Implementation' rather than "Only one gets in."?

most of the time yes! sometimes we include risky ones to test for interest, like marazet's clothing tf for example

Ok,  cool. 
I know that certain ones, eg weight gain or more hyper muscle, will have a tough time against more mainstream stuff like breast expansion. 

Nothing wrong with taking a risk every now and then or a temp check. 

What's her clothing tf?

Marazet has a TF planned that will turn her into a set of lingerie! it has been sketched, and is currently available for preview to our patreon/subscriberstar supporters!

What date is the next update

hopefully the 4th-5th! 

Hey i'm on mobile and the text is stuck on black with a black background so I can't read anything I know this is a glitch as I've played earlier versions and this problem didn't show up ever could you please look into this?

the game is not currently mobile compatible! it will work just fine if played through a computer browser

May I ask you an indiscreet question: how many versions of the game are you planning to release

In truth we're not sure how many versions it'll take to release fully, however we hope each one is exciting enough ^^

Welp, I've checked off all the new forms. The next update seems to have a few new forms to grab though, so that one might take some more time.

Side note: Please keep updating the walkthrough where it's possible to view the upcoming update ahead of time. While it could be seen as spoilers, it does keep people like me invested in knowing what is going to come next.

Extra note: I hope the version posted here will always be free even when the game is finished.

theres a big walkthrough change coming with this next update! thanks for the feedback! and yes, we intend to have the free version always available until we enter into private development. 

What do you mean by private development?

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at a certain point, the project will be so large that a monthly release schedule isn't practical. we'll use what we've saved from our patreon campaign to fund a private development to push us towards a finished state. the last monthly version of the game will become public and free forever, and the full game will be developed in private until it's ready to be released in full (at which point it will cost money to own a complete copy). 

I seen that the updated on public always take a month, does that mean Next month would be the updated too? Or sometimes It takes more time?

we've been uploading monthly for more than a year now! 

I do not have the TG Prince Lewis form displayed in the gallery, although I have received it a lot.

this is probably just a bug. we'll fix it soon hopefully! 

Will it be possible to marry one of the characters (even those who can change their gender)?



Just wanna check. Should we expect the next update to release at the normal time?

hopefully yes! 


This is an amazing game! I can tell that this was well made and with passion, but it really needs some polishment, even before you put new content.


There are several times when the characters were transformed and their dialogues were still the same than before. Only their names and pronouns are changed, but the dialogues fit the same

Besides that, some characters did not react when others were transformed. Sure, you changed brother to sister and the pronouns and stuff, but if I turn Rhiana's dad into a woman I expect to get some dialogue from her. Same with the drake brothers, if I turn their mother into a guy or a midget (Or if she becomes pregnant) I want to see their reaction to it.

Also, I wish you'd have a way of having sex with the characters without turning them into women. Like, I really thought the lion king (Forgot his name) was going to "punish me" for trying to usurp his place, I was really hoping for that outcome.

It would be a really interesting mechanic that you'd unlock some transformations only after speaking to them. You'd transform the dragon queen into a man after hearing her misandry, her son into a woman after listening to him complain about the matriarchy, and so on.

Moreover, if you sabotage or transform someone maybe they transform you without a warning at the first chance they get. Idk, just throwing ideas. Since you only get transformed if you initiate a special dialogue with NPCs , to me it still feels like the player is somewhat in control, this mechanic would add a bit of suspense.

I'm sorry if this was overwhelming, I'm really passionate about this stuff. I hope a new update gets added soon, I wish there was a way for me to follow this!

(3 edits) (+4)

This is hitting a very specific niche I feel like I haven't seen before. Very much looking forward to how this develops! Just hope you don't burn yourself out with a bunch of different forms people can take and how those interact with the challenges!

The description states that there is  MtF gender transformations. Is there or will there be the opposite: FtM gender transformation?


There's one for every female character in game!


Great, I love it!

tell me how to get versions to the gallery (CS1 lads Rihanna,Wyvern Rihanna through the Koi form I can't achieve in any way,Barmaid Reese when he is in his usual form I can't beat him in the last test)


the cat version of love at first sight rhianna is a combo form

you can get wyvern rhianna through both koi and dracodom routes. make sure she is marked, and then start the transformation by talking to Reese.

barmaid reese might be bugged out rn. i'll get back to you on that one. you might be able to do it by TGing Reese prior too the contest so that he scores less points with sylvie. 

(2 edits) (+1)

I may be misremembering but at some point wasn't Lewis able to keep his muscle (if you went the Gethra route) after getting turning into a Poodalist?


muscle + dalmatian has been sketched (our subscribers get an early look at upcoming artwork), but it hasn't been added into the game yet. you might be thinking of that sketch? 

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