The introduction of the reflecting pool adds so many interesting things, the one that caught the most attention was the gender distribution, in the future can we have a mostly male gender distribution for the different races?
I have a few questions and comments regarding the game: - I'm struggling quite a bit with the Walkthrough that seems to be written for one version ahead of the one available here(?) It's written pretty cryptic sometimes. - I want to reach the Trophy Princess TF with Lewis. Problem is, the walkthrough seems to give zero hint how to guarantee that Elami has the required amount of Influence in the second mingle phase, where the event is supposed to trigger. How do I make sure this will be the case? - And last but not least, there seems to be a bug when I tried to transform Marazet after the chess tournament. The game puts out an error report, and when you ignore it, the following text says "you can't think of any transformations for her". Contrary to the walkthrough, which says the Herm Marazet transformation is player driven.
-The walkthrough will show the newest version that's on the Patreon so for 0.18 you'll want to go to the 0.18 section right before it
-Elami will essentially always do the princess TF on you if you lost the first challenge against Akarion and were TG'd. She does this after the chess challenge if you walk into the Oleogarch court. Afterwards talking to Magnificence and asking for her help will result in the trophy TF
-That's a bug that will be addressed hopefully soon
- Well, that explains why it goes until version 0.19 ^^" - I'll try to follow those steps again, not sure if I did something wrong when I last tried. Thanks :) Edit: does wearing the Dragon Dress counteract something on this path? I did that the last time I tried. - Good to see it's a known bug, the idea of transforming her into a herm and then a demon is pretty hot :D
this one is super easy! all you have to do is get her marked past challenge #3 and have more than 15 influence! so long as she is not in a conflicting form (usually MILF is the hard one that blocks people), you should be able to transform her through the transformation menu!
how do i get turned into a dragon by magnificence? i did it one but cant recreate it. also is there a way to transfer browser data to the downloaded game
Unlock: Talk with Magnificence until the “discuss beauty” option appears. In this discussion, the “not everyone is as vain as you…” option will appear if Magnificence has 9 or more influence, and you are marked. Selecting that option will start the twinning bad end.
so, maybe its just me but im having a lot of trouble unloking some of the forms and dialogues, reese specificaly. And the PDF instructions arent that clear on how to gwt it. Or maybe im being dumb and this should be as simple as 1 2 3, but no matter how much i try i just cant
okay so you're looking for "barmaid reese" and "barmaid marazet", but both of these forms also combo with "maid" if you hit maid first. you will have to ally with Richter for these forms regardless, and once you do, you should be able to tf them through the transformation menu during mingle phase 4 after the bar scene takes place. for exact details on how to do this, check "Maid alliance route" within the "beginning the barmaid quest" section of the walkthrough.
The Lover's Retreat scene with Rhianna just shows a black screen. I don't know if you've not made it yet, or if its a matter of who's in what form, but it doesn't seem to work. Also with Rhianna, when I tried changing her house at the same time she was a hyper, she had four tits, and the weird part was that I couldn't tell by the graphic whether or not she was meant to have four, none of it looked right in either regard. I don't even know what might be happening there.
Update: That seems to only happen if she's naked, I was trying out the nudist toggle at the time. It looks like its loading her breasts from both her clothed and nude states.
As a side note, wouldn't mind being able to undo certain changes. Case in point: Change Akarion back after the initial change in order to gain his trust. I feel like certain options being repeatable or reversable would help.
Sex scenes aren't illustrated and likely won't be for a while. The four tits thing is likely a glitch so we'll have to look into that. As for undoing the changes, one of the big rules of the game is that TF's can't be undone so that way there's some actual risk involved to them and they have more weight. You'll be able to gain Akarion's trust at some point though, don't worry ^^
There are a few sex scenes currently in game, however the main focus will be transformation. Currently the sex scenes are between male koi Lewis and Reese, spy Lois and Matthias, princess trophy Lewis and Richter, and Lewis and true love Rhianna
Hey so i was looking at the gallery and noticed characters that im pretty sure didnt have nude forms before have a "toggle nudity" option, does that mean they have nude forms and they can be unlocked? If yes then how, is it with Reese's hypnosis or...?
you will have to be in a form that can score more points than him! koi lewis is your best bet for beating him, but milf, muscley, and trophy forms might also do the trick!
oooh, in that case you will want to make one of his competitors stronger so that you can lose later on. the only way to do that is to make Matthias TG, and Reese TG (sylvie likes tg matthias a little bit more, and TG reese a little bit less, so doing this will let matthias win instead of reese).
Will there be a future version where they add new male transformations? I've been waiting for several months for them to add something related but nothing :(
Just found this game recently and I'm super impressed with the quality! It's quickly becoming a favorite of mine:) A compliment I'm not sure any author gets very often would be that I think they did a great job on the walkthrough and the update previews! I love that there's effort put into both of those, and it make it a better experience for it! This is now on my short list of games I'm looking forward to playing each and every release!
Im so glad you find it helpful! tbh I'm super self conscious about the walkthrough since the game is soooo complicated. but I'm glad that it and the promos are getting used :3
I would prefer bigger story updates because I love it but can't play to much right now. Anyway, how do I prevent Elani from changing the ...dragon? I assume this prevents me from trying out the harem route with her?
I do't want to try around to much tonight, i admit being impatient for personal reasons today. Well the guide is only "that" easy to view and navigate as far as I noticed.
Elami will only target Magnificence if she is complaining about not having a viable (female) heir. so all you have to do is give her one! (transform either Reese or Matthias into a woman!)
How do i get Magnificense Harem? I been playing a long while and every time i want to do It she has more influence than me and when i manage to make her habe less, Elami always makes her Milf
this is a bit roundabout TF, so here is how you do it. first turn ether Reese or Matthias into there female drakoclass form > then Maggi needs to be marked this can be forced in challenge 3 (The Tightrope) or happens naturally in challenge 4 (The Speed Date) > Finally goto Maggi and start the TF.
absolutely! each harem transformation will allow you to select from all of a characters available forms. itll take a while to integrate, but thats the plan!
there is! currently it is for patreon and subscribestar supporters only (this is mainly because we cant afford any formal moderation) but this may change in the future!
Hey is there any forum we can use to report bugs? I noticed that I didn't receive any influence coins after successfully completing the tightrope section and my coins also got set to 0 after the hypnosis romance scene with Renae.
Question, does this game have or will it have, transformations that force the protagonist to speak in certain way while their mind remains intact. Like this comic sort of? Lusty Argonian Maid'd . Or is that too clunky to pull of in a visual novel?
we would like too at some point! but it is quite an undertaking as it will require us to do alternate writings for all of the later segments in the game. as of right now, Lewis's bimbo form has some special dialogue in places, but it is not yet widely applied.
this is only an issue if you are playing on mobile. we have not yet added mobile support, we recommend downloading the game on PC for the best experience.
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The introduction of the reflecting pool adds so many interesting things, the one that caught the most attention was the gender distribution, in the future can we have a mostly male gender distribution for the different races?
its certainly possible! it will all depend on patreon/subscriberstar votes!
Personally, I hope for a herm option for the pool in the future. Or increase the libido of the kingdoms.
I have a few questions and comments regarding the game:
- I'm struggling quite a bit with the Walkthrough that seems to be written for one version ahead of the one available here(?) It's written pretty cryptic sometimes.
- I want to reach the Trophy Princess TF with Lewis. Problem is, the walkthrough seems to give zero hint how to guarantee that Elami has the required amount of Influence in the second mingle phase, where the event is supposed to trigger. How do I make sure this will be the case?
- And last but not least, there seems to be a bug when I tried to transform Marazet after the chess tournament. The game puts out an error report, and when you ignore it, the following text says "you can't think of any transformations for her". Contrary to the walkthrough, which says the Herm Marazet transformation is player driven.
-The walkthrough will show the newest version that's on the Patreon so for 0.18 you'll want to go to the 0.18 section right before it
-Elami will essentially always do the princess TF on you if you lost the first challenge against Akarion and were TG'd. She does this after the chess challenge if you walk into the Oleogarch court. Afterwards talking to Magnificence and asking for her help will result in the trophy TF
-That's a bug that will be addressed hopefully soon
- Well, that explains why it goes until version 0.19 ^^"
- I'll try to follow those steps again, not sure if I did something wrong when I last tried. Thanks :) Edit: does wearing the Dragon Dress counteract something on this path? I did that the last time I tried.
- Good to see it's a known bug, the idea of transforming her into a herm and then a demon is pretty hot :D
Yep. The dragon dress makes it so you're guaranteed to win the chess challenge which blocks Elami from TF'ing you since you don't get marked
Yeah, I realized it too when playing again xD
Please tell me how to make gethra a barmaid and how to start the barmaid i didn't understand the walk-through
what part is giving you trouble?
How do I get all barmaid forms in one playthrough
you cant! some of them are combo forms built on top of maid forms.
How do I get odenval to be marked so I can turn him into a barmaid
Nevermind got it
Please make more gethra please
how do i find Felcandra?
Felcandra can appear in the background in a few places! take a close look at the stonework ;3
Could you tell me how to find nudists Akarion and Mathias nudists?
i dont think they are included quite yet. but they will be soon!
By the way, are you aware that the model of the young barmaid's leg warmers is not ready yet, it's just a sketch?
we added nearly a dozen forms this update, a few of them had to be sketches X3
can we do more thing with Akarion like make him on our side or something like that in future ? cause i like his design
Will Lewis have any more gender-related transformations?
absolutely! he has several!
Im a little stuck on getting Magnificence harem form. I dont know how to get the option for it to tf her
this one is super easy! all you have to do is get her marked past challenge #3 and have more than 15 influence! so long as she is not in a conflicting form (usually MILF is the hard one that blocks people), you should be able to transform her through the transformation menu!
I cant get her marked on stage 3-
most of the time you can just push her when prompted!
I really miss the old sprites of Akarion and TG Akarion weight gain, is there any chance they will return in any capacity?
most likely not? in the final game we may include them as a lil bonus feature.
how do i get turned into a dragon by magnificence? i did it one but cant recreate it. also is there a way to transfer browser data to the downloaded game
Unlock: Talk with Magnificence until the “discuss beauty” option appears. In this discussion, the “not everyone is as vain as you…” option will appear if Magnificence has 9 or more influence, and you are marked. Selecting that option will start the twinning bad end.
also how does changing download versions work? do you keep your data our have to start over?
i believe you'd have to start fresh?
this game is
though would like to see more court swaps
so, maybe its just me but im having a lot of trouble unloking some of the forms and dialogues, reese specificaly. And the PDF instructions arent that clear on how to gwt it. Or maybe im being dumb and this should be as simple as 1 2 3, but no matter how much i try i just cant
which forms are giving you trouble?
Barmaid Reese (and its combo form) and barmaid mazaret
okay so you're looking for "barmaid reese" and "barmaid marazet", but both of these forms also combo with "maid" if you hit maid first. you will have to ally with Richter for these forms regardless, and once you do, you should be able to tf them through the transformation menu during mingle phase 4 after the bar scene takes place. for exact details on how to do this, check "Maid alliance route" within the "beginning the barmaid quest" section of the walkthrough.
A couple things to point out, MINOR SPOILERS.
The Lover's Retreat scene with Rhianna just shows a black screen. I don't know if you've not made it yet, or if its a matter of who's in what form, but it doesn't seem to work. Also with Rhianna, when I tried changing her house at the same time she was a hyper, she had four tits, and the weird part was that I couldn't tell by the graphic whether or not she was meant to have four, none of it looked right in either regard. I don't even know what might be happening there.
Update: That seems to only happen if she's naked, I was trying out the nudist toggle at the time. It looks like its loading her breasts from both her clothed and nude states.
As a side note, wouldn't mind being able to undo certain changes. Case in point: Change Akarion back after the initial change in order to gain his trust. I feel like certain options being repeatable or reversable would help.
Sex scenes aren't illustrated and likely won't be for a while. The four tits thing is likely a glitch so we'll have to look into that. As for undoing the changes, one of the big rules of the game is that TF's can't be undone so that way there's some actual risk involved to them and they have more weight. You'll be able to gain Akarion's trust at some point though, don't worry ^^
Might be a dumb question, but is there any sex scenes in yet or even planned? Feels like it is all just transformation and nothing else
There are a few sex scenes currently in game, however the main focus will be transformation. Currently the sex scenes are between male koi Lewis and Reese, spy Lois and Matthias, princess trophy Lewis and Richter, and Lewis and true love Rhianna
Guess I will just have to wait, like non demoness herm Mazaret
Hey so i was looking at the gallery and noticed characters that im pretty sure didnt have nude forms before have a "toggle nudity" option, does that mean they have nude forms and they can be unlocked? If yes then how, is it with Reese's hypnosis or...?
Anyways, great game, cant wait for more stuff
They were originally locked behind Patreon however we plan to remove that since there'll be opportunities to make everyone nude in one go soon
Noticed a typo shortly after Lewis becomes a maid. Tessa says "core tenants" instead of "core tenets".
So how do you get Reese to fail challenge four other then maid?
you will have to be in a form that can score more points than him! koi lewis is your best bet for beating him, but milf, muscley, and trophy forms might also do the trick!
How did you make him marked for barmaid ?
oooh, in that case you will want to make one of his competitors stronger so that you can lose later on. the only way to do that is to make Matthias TG, and Reese TG (sylvie likes tg matthias a little bit more, and TG reese a little bit less, so doing this will let matthias win instead of reese).
there is a female to male TF in this update! look for "Painter Tessa" :3
oh, actually, there's two! Aida will have a TG form if Richter is TG'd female :3
I'm going to look for it right now, thank you :)
Just found this game recently and I'm super impressed with the quality! It's quickly becoming a favorite of mine:)
A compliment I'm not sure any author gets very often would be that I think they did a great job on the walkthrough and the update previews! I love that there's effort put into both of those, and it make it a better experience for it!
This is now on my short list of games I'm looking forward to playing each and every release!
Im so glad you find it helpful! tbh I'm super self conscious about the walkthrough since the game is soooo complicated. but I'm glad that it and the promos are getting used :3
how do you get the one between the trophy lewis and bar maid lewis? Cause i can’t find it anywhere on the walk through
the form between "Trophy Lois" and "Maid Barmaid Lois" is "Barmaid Lois". basically, become a barmaid without becoming a maid!
I would prefer bigger story updates because I love it but can't play to much right now. Anyway, how do I prevent Elani from changing the ...dragon? I assume this prevents me from trying out the harem route with her?
I do't want to try around to much tonight, i admit being impatient for personal reasons today. Well the guide is only "that" easy to view and navigate as far as I noticed.
Elami will only target Magnificence if she is complaining about not having a viable (female) heir. so all you have to do is give her one! (transform either Reese or Matthias into a woman!)
excited for the next update today
is 17 coming soon?
very soon! the next update will release on the 7th
thank god was worried about you
very good but everyone have a nxde versión or for now no?
the nude version is available to our patreon and subscriberstar supporters!
How do i get Magnificense Harem? I been playing a long while and every time i want to do It she has more influence than me and when i manage to make her habe less, Elami always makes her Milf
this is a bit roundabout TF, so here is how you do it. first turn ether Reese or Matthias into there female drakoclass form > then Maggi needs to be marked this can be forced in challenge 3 (The Tightrope) or happens naturally in challenge 4 (The Speed Date) > Finally goto Maggi and start the TF.
Will we ever be able to have something like a player-focused Lioness Rhianna or other transformations like that?
absolutely! each harem transformation will allow you to select from all of a characters available forms. itll take a while to integrate, but thats the plan!
When will the game be completed approximately?
likely in another year give or take!
Are ya working on a android form?
we will make an android version after we've completed the game in full. as of right now, we just have no way to test it properly.
is there a discord server to interact with more ppl who played this?
there is! currently it is for patreon and subscribestar supporters only (this is mainly because we cant afford any formal moderation) but this may change in the future!
a yikes well hope to get in someday
Hey is there any forum we can use to report bugs? I noticed that I didn't receive any influence coins after successfully completing the tightrope section and my coins also got set to 0 after the hypnosis romance scene with Renae.
The tightrope section is likely a bug, as for the romance section that's actually meant to happen (she "borrows" them)
can you make a french translation please
once the game is fully complete we will start looking into translations.
Question, does this game have or will it have, transformations that force the protagonist to speak in certain way while their mind remains intact. Like this comic sort of? Lusty Argonian Maid'd . Or is that too clunky to pull of in a visual novel?
we would like too at some point! but it is quite an undertaking as it will require us to do alternate writings for all of the later segments in the game. as of right now, Lewis's bimbo form has some special dialogue in places, but it is not yet widely applied.
Hey man you ever gonna port this to android?
once the game is complete, yes! until then, we dont have a proper way to test it.
Would it be possible to change the text or background color for the text? It doesn’t show up on my screen well.
this is only an issue if you are playing on mobile. we have not yet added mobile support, we recommend downloading the game on PC for the best experience.
It it possible to change back your gender from female to male?
nope! none of the changes can be reversed (otherwise the game would be a nightmare to code), but all transformations can be avoided!
Do you Plan to Release this on steam when Done or Close to?
absolutely! though that is likely a year or so down the road