I have noticed a bug, when you use the BE transformation on princess rhianna, the game still treats her as in her regular form, and so its not unlocked in the gallery. Could you fix this? Thanks.
we have! in fact our patreon release has some features that do exactly that :3
It took me a while to figure out, but I've added the two buttons in the top right that allow you to cycle through the alternates for each sprite! i was only able to incorporate it for rhianna right now, but soon i will migrate that feature to all of the gallery pages, starting with the characters that need it most
Small question will we be able to inflict changes on ourselves. For example using the TG transformation on yourself without asking others like Elami or losing to Akarion.
I had a funny idea as I was playing, and I wanted to share it, so I'm leaving it here as a joke/suggestion.
Akarion as the sole individual to be spared during your insane haremification rampage. He has not been altered, but he hasn't been able to affect anything either. Instead, your poor half brother has been a horrified spectator as his brother-from-nowhere suddenly upends everything.
And then, if you've also been untransformed by the end, as the new world order rises, the two of you become unlikely friends and siblings. Though begrudging on his part, you two are the sole survivors of the old world, and bond over that connection.
Akarion: I guess I'm grateful that you had mercy on me, but... why all of this? You complete nutcase.
Lewis: The voices in my mind. I heard, "All the others. Harem". But when it was your turn, I realized the voices actually said, "Spare 'em".
Akarion: You're fucked in the head.
Lewis: The head? If you mean the lower one, yes, frequently.
Is there a delay? Also, I'm glad to be following you since that start of royal harem 0.1. It's been a great journey, not only for this game but also for your Imparagon game too. I wish I could donate more but money's kinda tight right now, but it would be all worth it for the monthly updates on this amazing game!
When I try to play the little text box that is supposed to look like a book page just doesn't load for me on the browser making it incredibly hard to read the text
the walkthrough should have all the details! basically just transform gethra with a gender swap after she does the muscle growth on you, and if you are marked, she will retaliate with a tg.
I really do hope with all the discussion about Elami about it that she can help the Lewis get pregnant one way or another. Would be an absolute delight to see.
sup, i have a note for the devs. i just wanted to know that if in the next updates of the game, will you be able to have sex with other characters depending of what they think of you or what is their relationship with them? so far i downloaded the game yesterday with the thought that it'd be a fun game with a lot of sex scenes and more.
and honestly it's a very fun and interesting game. but i think it'd be way more fun if more sex scenes would be added (i haven't fully completed the game and i looked in the walkthrough for any events that include sex). i'm not sure how many of them are. but i do understand that the game is new and there aren't finished parts yet. but i just do wanna know if by any chances you'll be able to decide to have sex with the characters of the game (i also can't belive that i couldn't choose to accept or reject Raccoon Matthias' petition of having sex with lewis, i was kinda shocked honestly because i wanted to give it a try). though, i think that's everything i have to say. i'll await for an answer but i hope this gets added soon. thanks for reading
we currently have a couple! 3-4 if i remember correctly, but we havent got any art done for them yet. thats partly because its not really a focus for the game, but its also because that sort of scene can be costly to illustrate, especially when our characters are able to be transformed and each pairing is a new asset. its hard to overlay changes when sex calls for the bodies to interact and match. for that reason, we are saving it for much later in development when all of the character designs are finalized, and we know what character forms are possible for each sex scene. on the plus side, that lets us bring in guest artists for those scenes ;3
cool, i get what you mean and it's completely fine. it's better wait and save them for laten when the characters and certain parts are finished. i hope things go well for y'all and the progress for your game gets a lot of support (sorry, couldn't think for a good answer lel). but yeah, i also hope the game will still be free after the next releases. i know paying to get the game is a good idea to earn money to spend in the development of the game but i'm a bit broke and i can't pay to get any game at the moment. but besides of that, cheers. good luck out there and wish you the best for y'all. thanks
Dear Developers, about three or two months ago I posted that I found an inconsistency within the narrative of a particular event.
You see after you expose Matthias for cheating/trying to steal Influence from you and get him turned into a Raccoon (Marilyn) and you than TG Reese into Renae, the event scene within the garden where Matthias reacts to Reese gender change happens and Marilyn reacts to Reese gender change like she is still Matthias.
This makes no sense for Matthias/Marilyn after being so radically altered in body, mind and soul to still be Reese/Renae's brother and how is Renae able to regionalize her former brother who has been turn into a raccoon girl?
You said that you were plan change that event with 0.11, but in the event is still the same, with Marilyn acting like Matthias Renae still calls Marilyn Matthias. Did you not get the chance to implement the changes yet, did it fell at wayside as other stuff took priority or did you simple forget or is it a bug?
I know that creating a game with so many different narrative choices and transformations is not easy, but I hope you will address this in a patch/update.
we just haven't gotten to it yet. we like to update small scenes like that in bulk so that its easier to playtest. rest assured, your note was screenshotted and placed in a discord channel we keep for all such reports :3
all forms have a step by step guide for how to get them in the walkthrough! here is the one for princess:
Elami’s perfect princess (Lewis): this scene will play if during the second mingle phase, female Lois is marked, not in a conflicting form (maid, spy, dalmatian), and Elami has more than 3 influence. Trigger the scene by entering the lion's den area. In this scene, Elami will enact a plan to turn the bastard Lois from a shameful child, into a lioness princess.
How you do it is you talk to Rhianna and you chat till you flirt (you can do this in any form) this is so you can play chess whit her and you talk to Elami after you lose the first challenge and you choose (I think) "I'd like to experience motherhood" and so you fail with nothing happening to you is why you talk to Rhianna so you can play with them and don't play patiently becase you win (I am not doing this again)
Hey I wanna get the Odenval trophy could you give a hint as to where another Felcandra event is besides the b h room after the first challenge also really enjoying the game so far
sure thing! in mingle phase 2, Felcandra can be found at the center of the frame in either the parapet area or the banquet hall area (they will randomly appear in one or the other). and in mingle phase 3, they will appear in the courtyard area, hiding in the tree second from the left!
First of all, really good work on this. I really love all the different paths things can take.
While I imagine that any such plans are still very far out, will it eventually possible to take things down a more dominant path again after having Lewis transformed into a koi? Especially so if Reese was also gendertf'd, eventually becomes queen, and makes male and females equal in rights?
Will there be more Trophy forms for Lewis and others? I would really like to see how the Koi transformation would look like with trophy and how Reese would react. And would we be able to romance Reese? Its a little disappointing that the only kinda romance scene we get with Reese is the Koi TG scene.
And another (probably weird question) would there be actual sex scenes with images and male sex scenes, and onto the weird question, would there be a chance of getting pregnant while being female (It's weird to ask I know)
Ok, very dumb question as I don't think this is an actually an option, can you romance Rhianna without switching to her court? I know of the "love at first sight" option I was just wondering
A few glitches I discovered just to let you know. if you do experience motherhood by elami and don’t have enough you get the TG which is what I do often but the game still acts like you lost to Akarion therefor Gethra thinks low of you and you cannot befriend her. Another glitch I found is if Reese is hypnotized to be nude and then TG it still describes his clothes changing even though he has none. Just wanted to help by highlighting a few glitches.
that's a fair point, and its a large factor as to why we don't have much sexual content in the game. if the grey area makes you uncomfortable, rest assured it can be easily avoided.
How do I get Maggie's Harem? In the PDF it only says that its player driven and all of that, and how do I get her peasant and sugar baby ones as well (unless you need Harem for them)
player driven just means that it is available any time she is marked and not in a conflicting form. conflicting forms, like milf for example, will take it off the menu. so all you need to do is get her marked while you have 15 or more influence! sugar baby and peasant forms are unlocked through the harem tf itself.
Is getting 15 influence even possible before Elami's correction? As Maggie wouldn't be marked after the chess game and the only possible way except after game 1 is too sabotage her
Win the first 2 challenges those being fighting Akarion and winning and beat somebody in chess to get influence make an alliance with Reese then TG him in which he ( or she now I guess) promised to give you more influence than what you used then knock magnificence into the water on challenge 3 that should be enough influence and the condition met for the harem TF (sorry for the long message)
don't forget that you can also get influence bumps from finding Felcandra hidden in the overworld! I've just playtested it, and you can get up to 24 influence by mingle phase 3.
felcandra blends in to the diffrent backrounds for example inside the dining hall on act 2 he can sometimes replace the wolf head with a Dalmatian and on the parapet he does the same thing replacing the piller of the wolf and most of the time on act 3 he becomes a bush shaped like himself next to Mathias in the courtyard. Hope this helps Nova
It's very fun though I did notice as Maid Lois when Teresa 1st threatens you if you learn if the pup king's coop and warn him. You can't lead him to Teresa despite him being vulnerable just the cat kingdom, he also acts like you weren't tg'd according to the text.
this is a really amazing game but i would like to be able to get to change all the people with motes over their heads. it would be nice to have at least 10 actions instead of just 5 actions
this will become more possible as the game develops and we add in more phases. once its fully completed you will have a ton more chances to fully claim your harem ;3
for the moment though, we do offer a cheat version on our patreon that can help to expedite things ;3
well the twinning one was a commission, and although we'd love to focus on it more, it is a bit of a logistical toughy for the game to handle. it just opens up a lot of complexities that we weren't intending to handle from the get go, even if we just use the same assets twice X3
that said, there has been a lot of enthusiasm for it! so it may be something we look into later on in development if we have the time!
Hello, I find the game very interesting. But is there a downloaded file that allows me to play It for the Android? Because I'm able to play the run game part of it, but I don't see it. Download a file that allows me to play it for the android.
I find it very interesting. Also, do I need to lose the challenge just to make more the female connections?
currently we dont have official mobile support, mainly because it takes extra time to develop and build that we would rather do near the end of the projects development, but theoretically the browser build should work for mobile users at the moment! again, this is untested, so we cant guarantee it will be stable. we recommend downloading on pc for the smoothest experience.
and no! you can TG Lewis in other ways during play, mainly through mocking Elami!
Hiya! Been trying to get Princess Milf Louis for a bit, but for some reason if never works and I get standard Milf Louis instead, even following the walkthrough. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
right! so one on the right is base lewis being milfed, I can see how the placement of the label is confusing. you basically have to do the same thing as the one on the left, just without being transformed into a lion princess.
theres a couple ways of getting her. you can either disagree with elami in her discussion about motherhood while you are marked, or you can ask her for it!
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I have noticed a bug, when you use the BE transformation on princess rhianna, the game still treats her as in her regular form, and so its not unlocked in the gallery. Could you fix this? Thanks.
oh bummer, yep ill look into it!
yay new hypno rout options!
on another note I've noticed some of the galleries are getting a little clustered, have you thought about organizing it in some way?
we have! in fact our patreon release has some features that do exactly that :3
Small question will we be able to inflict changes on ourselves. For example using the TG transformation on yourself without asking others like Elami or losing to Akarion.
Nope, have to ask someone else. Makes it so you have to trust others to help you get what you want, or at least change them to help yo
I had a funny idea as I was playing, and I wanted to share it, so I'm leaving it here as a joke/suggestion.
Akarion as the sole individual to be spared during your insane haremification rampage. He has not been altered, but he hasn't been able to affect anything either. Instead, your poor half brother has been a horrified spectator as his brother-from-nowhere suddenly upends everything.
And then, if you've also been untransformed by the end, as the new world order rises, the two of you become unlikely friends and siblings. Though begrudging on his part, you two are the sole survivors of the old world, and bond over that connection.
Akarion: I guess I'm grateful that you had mercy on me, but... why all of this? You complete nutcase.
Lewis: The voices in my mind. I heard, "All the others. Harem". But when it was your turn, I realized the voices actually said, "Spare 'em".
Akarion: You're fucked in the head.
Lewis: The head? If you mean the lower one, yes, frequently.
hilarious XD
Is there a delay? Also, I'm glad to be following you since that start of royal harem 0.1. It's been a great journey, not only for this game but also for your Imparagon game too. I wish I could donate more but money's kinda tight right now, but it would be all worth it for the monthly updates on this amazing game!
we will have the next update up shortly! shouldn't be more than 6 hours from now. and thank you so much for your encouraging words!
When I try to play the little text box that is supposed to look like a book page just doesn't load for me on the browser making it incredibly hard to read the text
you are probably playing on mobile? some aspect ratios wont use our custom text boxes and such. we recommend downloading for the best experience.
That actually explains a few things.I tried myself. I mean, it was able to before, but now it's just showing some problems.
I'll try again but the text box situation is just gonna be very annoying.
Unfortunately I don't have any space left so I have to play it on the browser
Hello, your walkthrough guide is a little confusing to read. Could you perhaps make it simpler (such as using routes instead of chapters)?
we are open to suggestions for how its structured, but we dont update it too often since its a lot of work X3
you are welcome to ask questions here though if you are still confused! im sure the community would be able to help!
This demo is amazing! Will there be an Android version?
once we are completely finished, yes!
Interesting demo so far. I'm curious, how many chapters/challenges do you have planned?
I'm hoping every character can be TF'ed into a maid. I need a maid army to get revenge on Tessa.
We plan to have around 5 or so challenges for the game, the fourth one hopefully soon
Smol tessa is so cute and i love her
I played the game, really good but i still dont know how to get the lewis muscle tg
the walkthrough should have all the details! basically just transform gethra with a gender swap after she does the muscle growth on you, and if you are marked, she will retaliate with a tg.
I don't know how to get to the harem route
harem routes are player driven, so they can happen at any time so long as you have more than 15 influence and are in an autonomous form!
I really do hope with all the discussion about Elami about it that she can help the Lewis get pregnant one way or another. Would be an absolute delight to see.
sup, i have a note for the devs. i just wanted to know that if in the next updates of the game, will you be able to have sex with other characters depending of what they think of you or what is their relationship with them? so far i downloaded the game yesterday with the thought that it'd be a fun game with a lot of sex scenes and more.
and honestly it's a very fun and interesting game. but i think it'd be way more fun if more sex scenes would be added (i haven't fully completed the game and i looked in the walkthrough for any events that include sex). i'm not sure how many of them are. but i do understand that the game is new and there aren't finished parts yet. but i just do wanna know if by any chances you'll be able to decide to have sex with the characters of the game (i also can't belive that i couldn't choose to accept or reject Raccoon Matthias' petition of having sex with lewis, i was kinda shocked honestly because i wanted to give it a try). though, i think that's everything i have to say. i'll await for an answer but i hope this gets added soon. thanks for reading
we currently have a couple! 3-4 if i remember correctly, but we havent got any art done for them yet. thats partly because its not really a focus for the game, but its also because that sort of scene can be costly to illustrate, especially when our characters are able to be transformed and each pairing is a new asset. its hard to overlay changes when sex calls for the bodies to interact and match. for that reason, we are saving it for much later in development when all of the character designs are finalized, and we know what character forms are possible for each sex scene. on the plus side, that lets us bring in guest artists for those scenes ;3
cool, i get what you mean and it's completely fine. it's better wait and save them for laten when the characters and certain parts are finished. i hope things go well for y'all and the progress for your game gets a lot of support (sorry, couldn't think for a good answer lel). but yeah, i also hope the game will still be free after the next releases. i know paying to get the game is a good idea to earn money to spend in the development of the game but i'm a bit broke and i can't pay to get any game at the moment. but besides of that, cheers. good luck out there and wish you the best for y'all. thanks
oh 100%. we intend to keep it free until we have a full release ready!
Neat! i'm glad i can always get it for free.
Is there a way after being turn into a female to go back?
Nope. Part of the threat of being changed is that you can't go back
Dear Developers, about three or two months ago I posted that I found an inconsistency within the narrative of a particular event.
You see after you expose Matthias for cheating/trying to steal Influence from you and get him turned into a Raccoon (Marilyn) and you than TG Reese into Renae, the event scene within the garden where Matthias reacts to Reese gender change happens and Marilyn reacts to Reese gender change like she is still Matthias.
This makes no sense for Matthias/Marilyn after being so radically altered in body, mind and soul to still be Reese/Renae's brother and how is Renae able to regionalize her former brother who has been turn into a raccoon girl?
You said that you were plan change that event with 0.11, but in the event is still the same, with Marilyn acting like Matthias Renae still calls Marilyn Matthias. Did you not get the chance to implement the changes yet, did it fell at wayside as other stuff took priority or did you simple forget or is it a bug?
I know that creating a game with so many different narrative choices and transformations is not easy, but I hope you will address this in a patch/update.
we just haven't gotten to it yet. we like to update small scenes like that in bulk so that its easier to playtest. rest assured, your note was screenshotted and placed in a discord channel we keep for all such reports :3
I can't see any of the scenes or sex scenes its just a black screen
Not every scene is illustrated yet
ohh ok but even in the picture where it says it starins in the confines of your trousers my screen was black
I kinda forgot how to turn Lewis into a Princess
all forms have a step by step guide for how to get them in the walkthrough! here is the one for princess:
Elami’s perfect princess (Lewis): this scene will play if during the second mingle phase, female Lois is marked, not in a conflicting form (maid, spy, dalmatian), and Elami has more than 3 influence. Trigger the scene by entering the lion's den area. In this scene, Elami will enact a plan to turn the bastard Lois from a shameful child, into a lioness princess.
How you do it is you talk to Rhianna and you chat till you flirt (you can do this in any form) this is so you can play chess whit her and you talk to Elami after you lose the first challenge and you choose (I think) "I'd like to experience motherhood" and so you fail with nothing happening to you is why you talk to Rhianna so you can play with them and don't play patiently becase you win (I am not doing this again)
it would be cool if you added more age related tfs
when are you releasing an updated walkthrough
The updated walkthrough can be found in the downloads ^^
Hey I wanna get the Odenval trophy could you give a hint as to where another Felcandra event is besides the b h room after the first challenge also really enjoying the game so far
sure thing! in mingle phase 2, Felcandra can be found at the center of the frame in either the parapet area or the banquet hall area (they will randomly appear in one or the other). and in mingle phase 3, they will appear in the courtyard area, hiding in the tree second from the left!
I'm very excited for what will be added in the next update
suprise! is bimbos :3
Is there another delay?
update will be out by about midnight tonight! (roughly 12 hrs from now)
sorry about that, thank you!
no worries! we're glad you're excited :3
Next Updt soon right? (4th or 5th if i remember correctly)
Nope, 10th if you check their patreon they posted 4 days ago about a update delay.
I think it’s because of personal issue
ok thx
Will there be stuff like piercings (such as nipple piercings)
for sure! i think sugar baby magnus already has plenty X3
First of all, really good work on this. I really love all the different paths things can take.
While I imagine that any such plans are still very far out, will it eventually possible to take things down a more dominant path again after having Lewis transformed into a koi? Especially so if Reese was also gendertf'd, eventually becomes queen, and makes male and females equal in rights?
Lewis will actually have a different form for the dominant path with Reese, the koi form being a submissive path exclusive
Will there be more Trophy forms for Lewis and others? I would really like to see how the Koi transformation would look like with trophy and how Reese would react. And would we be able to romance Reese? Its a little disappointing that the only kinda romance scene we get with Reese is the Koi TG scene.
yes to both! all in due time :3
And another (probably weird question) would there be actual sex scenes with images and male sex scenes, and onto the weird question, would there be a chance of getting pregnant while being female (It's weird to ask I know)
sure! it all depends on what our patrons vote for!
Ok, very dumb question as I don't think this is an actually an option, can you romance Rhianna without switching to her court? I know of the "love at first sight" option I was just wondering
absolutely! although we only have the setup in place right now, Rhianna has a romance dialogue tree that will be grown in future updates :3
A few glitches I discovered just to let you know. if you do experience motherhood by elami and don’t have enough you get the TG which is what I do often but the game still acts like you lost to Akarion therefor Gethra thinks low of you and you cannot befriend her. Another glitch I found is if Reese is hypnotized to be nude and then TG it still describes his clothes changing even though he has none. Just wanted to help by highlighting a few glitches.
thanks for spotting those! ill see what i can do!
How does consent work in this game?
When will the game be complete?
im not sure what you mean?
What I mean is how can the characters consent to sexual activity if their identities are altered or erased at the whim of someone else.
that's a fair point, and its a large factor as to why we don't have much sexual content in the game. if the grey area makes you uncomfortable, rest assured it can be easily avoided.
How do I get Maggie's Harem? In the PDF it only says that its player driven and all of that, and how do I get her peasant and sugar baby ones as well (unless you need Harem for them)
player driven just means that it is available any time she is marked and not in a conflicting form. conflicting forms, like milf for example, will take it off the menu. so all you need to do is get her marked while you have 15 or more influence! sugar baby and peasant forms are unlocked through the harem tf itself.
So I'd have to basically win the first game, and the second and then sabotage her in the 3rd game
Wait actually no, I couldn't because if she loses the 3rd then the milf TF happens
milf is triggered by her complaining about not having an heir, so try tging one of her boys first to give her one ;3
So it seems Matthias punishment doesn't count as tging so the milf event is still triggered
Is getting 15 influence even possible before Elami's correction? As Maggie wouldn't be marked after the chess game and the only possible way except after game 1 is too sabotage her
I really want big titty harem dragon but it seems impossible to get the harem without cheats or wasting influence on genderswapping one of her sons
Win the first 2 challenges those being fighting Akarion and winning and beat somebody in chess to get influence make an alliance with Reese then TG him in which he ( or she now I guess) promised to give you more influence than what you used then knock magnificence into the water on challenge 3 that should be enough influence and the condition met for the harem TF (sorry for the long message)
Huh, I never thought about doing that
So after the talk with Magnificence about her new life I can't do anything else except change her clothes
don't forget that you can also get influence bumps from finding Felcandra hidden in the overworld! I've just playtested it, and you can get up to 24 influence by mingle phase 3.
I have no clue where Felcandra can be though
felcandra blends in to the diffrent backrounds for example inside the dining hall on act 2 he can sometimes replace the wolf head with a Dalmatian and on the parapet he does the same thing replacing the piller of the wolf and most of the time on act 3 he becomes a bush shaped like himself next to Mathias in the courtyard. Hope this helps Nova
i dont fully know what you mean? if you are asking if every character has an NSFW scene, there are only a handful in game right now.
It's very fun though I did notice as Maid Lois when Teresa 1st threatens you if you learn if the pup king's coop and warn him. You can't lead him to Teresa despite him being vulnerable just the cat kingdom, he also acts like you weren't tg'd according to the text.
good catch! ill see what i can do about that in future updates
this is a really amazing game but i would like to be able to get to change all the people with motes over their heads. it would be nice to have at least 10 actions instead of just 5 actions
this will become more possible as the game develops and we add in more phases. once its fully completed you will have a ton more chances to fully claim your harem ;3
for the moment though, we do offer a cheat version on our patreon that can help to expedite things ;3
this is absolutely INCREDIBLE! so much fun to go through. any more plans in the works for twinning?
well the twinning one was a commission, and although we'd love to focus on it more, it is a bit of a logistical toughy for the game to handle. it just opens up a lot of complexities that we weren't intending to handle from the get go, even if we just use the same assets twice X3
that said, there has been a lot of enthusiasm for it! so it may be something we look into later on in development if we have the time!
Hello, I find the game very interesting. But is there a downloaded file that allows me to play It for the Android? Because I'm able to play the run game part of it, but I don't see it. Download a file that allows me to play it for the android.
I find it very interesting. Also, do I need to lose the challenge just to make more the female connections?
currently we dont have official mobile support, mainly because it takes extra time to develop and build that we would rather do near the end of the projects development, but theoretically the browser build should work for mobile users at the moment! again, this is untested, so we cant guarantee it will be stable. we recommend downloading on pc for the smoothest experience.
and no! you can TG Lewis in other ways during play, mainly through mocking Elami!
Okay, thank you for the information, and I'll wait patiently for the mobile version to be available ✌️.
Hiya! Been trying to get Princess Milf Louis for a bit, but for some reason if never works and I get standard Milf Louis instead, even following the walkthrough. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
so you have the princess (lion) form already, and then elami turns you back into an ocelot?
No, she still transforms louis into the milf lion. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding which form it is I haven't got if that's the right one.
right! so one on the right is base lewis being milfed, I can see how the placement of the label is confusing. you basically have to do the same thing as the one on the left, just without being transformed into a lion princess.
theres a couple ways of getting her. you can either disagree with elami in her discussion about motherhood while you are marked, or you can ask her for it!
ooooooohhhh....I feel dumb. I'll message back if it works!
But what if you're not marked and you managed to win the contest, and what if you decide not to change your half-brother competitor into a female?