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Vocês(os criadores) pretendem trazer alguns idiomas ao jogo?

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i tried loading a file of my saves, but only got this message, it was something about an error in line 502 "renpy.display.scenelists" any ideas how to fix it? i got to the end of v 0.8 if that provides any help

old saves dont work with current versions unfortunately. we are working on fixes for recent releases, but pretty much any saves from prior to 0.8 wont be functional :p

oh ok all good

update when?

Every month on the 4th!

Dont ask me how but i maneged to get Nude Gertha without Cheats, but i achivied it wit princess milf lois

its totally possible! you should be able to get it through hypnotizing elami into exhibitionism, and then trigger the event with her and gethra which will prompt you to pass it on to gethra

Yeah i know but in the walktrough it says only possible trough cheats or smt maybe i have to check again just wanted to point it out


oh good point! ill make sure we update that

(8 edits) (+1)

Most likely a false positive 

I have downloaded, played and scanned everything multiple times. Jiangmin is known for false positives I have had no issue with the software so far and having played prior games from Slushy/SA I'm inclined to believe its another error report.

Regardless always be wary and stay safe especially if using android.

(I have dealt with Jiangmin errors since 2016 and it pops up every now and then but has never been a problem for me.


I am a paranoid person and downloaded the zip file of the game decided to check it before running on Virus Total (with everything so do), where I gave me only one antivirus jiangmin that it is a Trojan. Can you give some comment on this issue?


We would never include any harmful material in our game intentionally, and our partnership with has helped to keep our software secure. we speculate that this is either a false error, or the service you are using is intentionally giving a false read in order to incur a payment. in any case, thank you for bringing it to our attention, we will investigate carefully.

Im honestly the only person with access to the games code, and i don't know the first thing about viruses, but idk. could something have attached itself to the file without my knowledge? 

(2 edits) (+1)

Getting something attached to a compiled program without knowledge is possible but very unlikely.

Sites like virustotal should be used with some discernment. If 1 out of 70+ scanners indicates a problem, the likelihood of a false positive is high.

It's likely part of renpy itself being claimed. Nearly all programs (open source has it worse) have some rate of false detection, which is solved in various ways, like lodging an issue with the companies ( . Renpy has had false positives a few times. Around 2021, the 32-bit exe was flagged because the mingw linux-to-windows compiler used had the style of calling in it's compiled output generally flagged by some scanners (made worse by a bug in the hash calculation for the compiled file renpy used).

Indeed, if you go to Renpy's download site: ( ) , download the latest .exe version, and immediately check that, it comes up with the exact detection you're seeing.


I still have in my mind the situation with CurseForge, when there attackers gained access to the accounts of mod developers for Minecraft and uploaded "new mods versions" with a virus stuffed in it.


I don't want to get too deep into a discussion on someone's game forum, heh. Ultimately, make your own call for what makes you feel comfortable.

For fun, I tested a few things on virus total in the last few minutes. The following are detected as viruses right now:

  • VLC media player (64bit) Windows- vlc-3.0.20-win64.exe
  • Firefox browser 64-bit Windows installer - Firefox Installer.exe
  • Drobbox 64-bit Windows desktop installer - DropboxInstaller.exe
  • 7zip Windows 64-bit beta version installer - 7z2404-x64.exe
  • Winrar 32-bit Windows installer - winrar-x32-700.exe
  • GoG Galaxy installer for 64-bit Windows - GOG_Galaxy_2.0.exe
  • Notepad++ 32-bit installer - npp.8.6.5.Installer.exe

I thank you for your research on the matter! i may be the coder for this project, but as anyone who's seen my code would know, its far from my specialty. I thank you for your time and effort on this, its super helpful! 

Jiangmin is an antivirus known for fairly common false positives unfortunately. One of the first results when searching it is in regards to one, and it has shown to be somewhat unreliable in regards to them. We assure you there's no Trojans in the game, and that SlushyAnimals is the only one with access to the game files


Funny thing is that it doesn't react negatively to the Mac zip, only to the Windows/Linux version.


 I think I have discovered something that need to be addressed at some point. After you turned Matthias into a Racoon (Marilyn) and then TG Reese into Renae, Marilyn reacts to Reese gender chance like she is Matthias.


yup yup. some events wont quite make sense until we have the time to go back and give them new versions to match mixing paths. in this case, we intend to add in the new version of that event in 0.11! thank you for letting us know what events feel the most out of place. it helps us order them appropriately and tackle the most important events first! 

Little idea. What if Rihanna transforms Lewis after the breast expansion only transforms as much as you transform her.

that was the initial plan! eventually when we have more time to structure that route, it will be done piece by piece rather than as a bad ending. 

/!\ SPOILERS /!\

Oooh, I wonder : like we can create new species (racoon by Matthias), will there be others new species ? If yes, It would be amazing to have some cows :3


for sure! we've got some cows on the way actually ;3

Ooooh, excellent ! I hope that she'll have huge badonkers and lactate héhé Anyways, I'm curious to know who is the cow, so I'm even eager to have the following updates <3

(1 edit)

I feel like this game needs a guide for the public version separate from the patron version; the guide as it is now is unclear on how you are supposed to get some of the tf's and it doesn't really clarify whats available in the public version very well. I would also recommend removing non-implemented content from the walk-trough  some of the things listed do not appear to be implemented into the game yet (Lewis's milf tf for instance).


i agree that the walkthrough is due for some reformatting, but the patreon content is kept in a seperate section from the remainder of the walkthrough. anything past the "Patreon walkthrough (version 0.10)" header is patreon exclusive, the rest should all be accessible in the standard release. if its not, its probably a bug, so please let me know!

 lewis's milf tf is fully implimented! in retrospect, the guide is a bit unclear. you can find it through this sequence: 

  • progress through elami's small talk tree and then speak with elami about motherhood, and agree with her opinion (motherhood is the crowning achievement of a woman's life)
  • make sure that elami has enough influence by helping her win challenges, and by preventing her from spending them on akari (you can do this by not tg-ing him in round 1) 
  • save up influence, you need at least 3 
  • become marked in any challenge 
  • speak with elami again, this time selecting the "ask to experience motherhood" option. then select "go all the way" and contribute 3 influence. (not doing so will lead to a normal tg)

The text is nigh-unreadable, because it’s black text against a very dark background. Is there a way to fix this?

the game is currently not mobile compatible. this shouldnt be an issue if you use a computer browser. 

a shame

Will there be actual scenes? like sex scenes and such? or is nudity goin to be the only thing that is shown?

we intend to add it later on down the line after the story is fleshed out! 

(2 edits)

Its  says the script is not there (Lois Milf) (WEB VER. too)

Im afraid I dont know what you mean?

if i try to acces the milf transformation throug the walktrough way it says "this script is unfinished (MILF already tg'd goes here)

yep that section is currently in progress, although it shouldn't be accessible in the base game. were you playing with cheats? 

No, there are chrats? How?

cheats are available to our top tear patrons!

Deleted post

yup! next update, all of the cast members will be able to be tgd ;3


I enjoyed this game a lot. I just hope in later updates there is more influence and time. it's kind of annoying how get changed into a female, handicaps you so much with Gethra not giving you the time of day in the first challenge and Marazet waiting for you on the second one. I kind of hope in the more developed version you can screw over more of the characters because it feels like a lot of them needs to be took down a peg or two. Also some of the characters I feel don't need to be changed much if at all such as Rhianna. I would also suggest making the hubs more distinguished because I didn't notice quick enough you can meet people outside of your faction's icon and the gazebo.

Does anyone know how to get Muscle Lewis TG?

again, this information is in the walkthrough, please just check there rather than asking here. my answer is copied directly from the walkthrough:

  • Muscle Lewis TG
    • If you TG Gethra while marked and you’ve been turned into muscle Lewis, Gethra will TG you during the scene
(1 edit)

Well it worked, I apologize for the inconvenience I hope you can forgive me.

I really like the game and i hope you can continue with more upgrade

its no inconvenience! i just dont want the comments to be clogged with these questions over and over again X3

(2 edits)

Sorry :( 

But i have one last question. How to get the third galley of Richter i mean don't ge me wrong i did try to follow the walkthrough but i didn't work

that one is currently bugged out, it should be patched by the end of today!

how to get lewis new transformations?

all the details needed are in the walkthrough! 

i can only acces the walkthroug from 0,8

huh thats odd, it should no longer be available. try refreshing your download page and see if its replaced by walkthrough 0.10? it should be the topmost option

Worked, thank you you are realy great in many ways

(2 edits)

/!\   SPOILERS !   /!\

 I wanted to share what I've did for now, the path between many that I follow as my own ^^

 For the first challenge, I go against Akarion then genderswap, turning him into Akari.

 For the first free time, I did the 1 and 2 small talk with Marazeth then go to the countryyard and eavesdrop at the scalies brothers. Then, I speak to Reese and do the small talk 1 and two, accepting what he offer me, the I discuss alliance.

 At the second challenge, I go with Marazeth and play aggressively, winning against her and win against Gethra after by replying correctly, then I refuse to give coins to Elami.

 At the second free time, I go see Reese (and sneak away when I see Rhianna plotting something) and immediatly genderswap him, turning him into Renae. Then, I give some privacy to the brothers to speak to them (not enought time avaible for what I want to do if I listen to them) then go discuss hypnosis with Renae. I ask her if she can teach me to do hypnosis, then launch the "Hypnosis lesson" dialogue. In it, I hypnotise her to make her strip nude then use influence to make her thing she's clothed but don't see it (I would prefer make her enjoy being nude, but maybe that'll be possible in the futur, like maybe seeing herself nude always make her enjoy that). Then, I would love to see Elami for doing something, but like I've two free time left and that I can turn her in the room where the next event of what I want to do happen, and that one of the participant is not marked still, I do something in-between, something that I wanted to do : I go see Matthias, Discuss about the second challenge with him and refuse to give ally with him. When he get caught for trying to steal me, I don't protect him se he's changed into Marilyn, my lustful and loyal multiboobs female rack-oon (I never get tired of this play of words x3). Then I go found Felcandra hidden in the dinning room for the extra coins. That done, I finally go see Elami, hypnotise her and mix it with influences to make her become an exibitionist ; and like it's the end of the free time I'm immediatly teleported to the next challenge without triggering the event !

 For the 3rd challenge, I offer to help Rhianna, then loved to hypnotise mutually Renae and me for helping each others to go through to rope because it's a lovely moment, but I must loose so I didn't. When it's Tessa's Turn I push her in the water with me because I needed to loose this challenge and because I don't like her, so having her failed mean no more influences for her and vulnerability to a possible change that could happen in the next updates ^^ After that, I go see Gethra and she turn me into a muscular version of myself.

For the 3rd free time (and the last part of the game avaible at the update I play actually, the 0.9 patch 2) I immediatly go to the lion's den for triggering the event that I avoided at the last free time : Gethra speaking with exibitionist Elami. I stay and watch, then use influence to make Gethra become exibitionist too. I thinked that it was only temporary, but it seems that's permanent, much to my joy ! Then, I go see Gethra and regress her age, but not her mind (I love the actual mentality of Gethra, even if I like too the new one we can give to her ^^ And the eyes she have when we don't change her mind, woaw !). Then, I've 3 more actions before the end of the free time. I want to turn Magnifience into a member of my harem, but I can (I've 8 influences and I need 15 of them) so I go see Akari for making her gain some weight. That let me have two more free time but I'll use them at the next update ^^

I really loved the story the game permit me to create for now ^^ I love a lot Renae, Elami, Gethra and Marilyn (I see a mote at Marilyn at the 3rd free time and a black screen when we want to change her, so I'm curious to see if there'll be a TF avaible next update ^^). What are my change expectation for the characters ? If I must give one for each, I'll tell hyper hourglass for Gethra, hyperpreg for Elami, hyper and lactating boobs for Marilyn and make Renae obese :3 Anyways, this game is fantastic, it have a lot of choices and a great story, sp thank you for your amazing work <3

And you who read this, what is your path in this game ? ^^


Really, this Update is FANTASTIC ! I admit that I discover now some things already in the lastest updates, but I mostly go to the new ones and loved everything !

From now on there are SPOILERS so be careful :3 And sowwy about my poor english, it's not my main language and I'm sleepy x3

The comic remplacing the black screen for the first BE of Rhianna is great, I loved it ^^ I can only encourage you to do that for the others too :3

 About Magnificient... I don't really know what to think. Her harem incorporation seems off. I mean, in the run I've done for having a lot of influences for changing her, turning her into a member of my harem was the second interaction I've done with her, after pushing her in the lake. It's not like we 's became close, it's just there, and I'm way more near some others characters (Reese for exemple, or even Rhianna) but they are not avaible as a harem member. I think it'll be better if the harem change is cut in different little parts each unlocked after specifics dialogues with her. But anyways, there's what I think of the harem thing exactly : I loved it. The "we choose what we want and there's a bonus and major change" is absolutly excellent ! I hesitated between her slutty gator form and her pet version of herself ^^ But I wondered if that was the end of her changes, or if more could happen in the futur, and next to that question is an other : will we be hable to make her boobs grow ? I really want to make her have huge boobs, like Rhianna can or even bigger ^^ And ass, make her be hyperly hourglass :3 It'll suit her so well in my sens ! And, by the way, will every character will have at least one hyper change avaible ? Oh, and the dialogus are not impacted by the influence used for making her embrace her new life. Well, if I can resume what I think about the harem change is : I love it a lot it's very well made but I hope that it'll not mark an end to the possible changes of the new member and maybe make it avaible after some discussion lines ^^

 About Matthias racc-oon form (lol) : I was surprised to see her become our slutty pet spy, and I loved it ! That felcandra can create a whole specie make me wonder how much we can make by using our influences, and if there will be a more than massive change avaible one day ^^ And, I'll never change, if we can make her boobs to grow bigger and lactating (so much boobs that lactate is appealing). I hope too that there'll be more things with her racoon's form, because that's great ! Like, corrupting people to make our own spies but not ourself : she will do it if we tell her~ Or anything ^^ I'm curious and eager to see more of her :3

 About the influence bonus I thinked that it was a cheat of the Patreon that you forget to erase for the public version, but nice april's fish x3

 The Milf Lois version is sooooooooooooooo lovable ! I absolutly loved that verion, the princess milf too ^^ You make her extremly beautiful <3 Lois being a mother is great, sexy even~ I honestly wanted her to be exibitionist too héhé And about Elami, I think that it would be amazing to turn her into a permapreg milf~ An hyperpreg permapreg one ;3 Really, very seducing and charming ^^ So, I've a question : will there be milf TF for others characters ? Or even as a harem one, making them thjink that she made childs with us :3

Ghetra... What to say ? I enjoyed and loved ^^ I loved that we can turn her into an exibitionist, I don't know why but I found that so very amazing ! Her horny link with Elami, exibitionist too, it's both lovely and arousing ^^ And, about the transformation, I loved it :3 But, I wonder if there will be and other stage of the age regression, one that will make her go from old to milf, so still youger but less younger :3 I think that have age TF for her is great (and even if I let her have her mental, it's great that we can change her personality too). And I wonder if the exibitionist link that she have with Elami will go further, as if there'll be linked changes between Ghetra and Elami (like making them both obese in one event or else). I must say that Ghetra will be the most purrfect one for being a milf ^^ From what I understand, Ghetra is 60 and the milf age is 40, it's that or I'm wrong ?

Elami. Last time I loved making her exibitionist, now I loved that she turn Lois into a milf. She's wonderful ^^ I just hope that one day it'll be possible to make her and hyper and permapreg thicc milf :3

Mazareth. Since the start, I was curious about her and even if I loved herms, have her describe it as her curse was not something that pleased me so I lost my interest for her, but her new demonic form where she go all lustful is amazing ! I sure hope to see more going in that way, and I even thinked of a twist for the change : corrput her by making the demon we know now or making her "blessed by the power of the lust" and make her stay a religious but from a religion of lust and depravation. As a demon she'll try to corrupt other and be dominant, and as a religious she'll try to corrupt others but be submissive ^^ Just an idea, but I think it can be cool to have that choice with her, and going further : like the powers of the island can create a whole new specie it could create a whole religion ^^ And by corrupting others, we can have group events (like for when Rhianna and Odenval want to change their king) where Mazareth will corrupt others and we can influence that ^^ As a demon she try to add fidels to pray her, as a religious she try to add fidels that'll pray her lust god with her :3

And the "adding more to Ruby" I'm eager to see what it'll do ^^

I hope that we can make the weight gain of Akari even further, and turn her into a heavily obese lioness addict to food :3

Really, this game is absolutly amazing ^^ Keep up the good work because you're doing great <3


thanks for the feedback! this is alot of questions, so i think ive answered all of them, but let me know if i miss any X3

1: we do intend to add in more minor forms like breast growth for all the characters. which characters get them and which characters get them first will all be decided through polls on our patreon. whether or not these are hyper will also be up to our voting audience. 

2: Milf TF's is one of the conversion boss themes for the game! this means that if the player helps elami to be empowered, she will attempt to convert the rest of the cast into Milfs. we will either add in milfs one at a time as we go, or we will do them all at once in a themed update, only time will tell. 

3: gethra is 60 and milfs are usually around 40 

Sowwy for the long time before the reply, but here it is :3 Thanks for the reply, it was good ^^ But still, that make me have more questions :

1] Oh oki, cool ! Would everyone have more than one minor form or some only one ? And will every character will end up with at least one hyper version or not everyone ? It is depending of the votes too ? ^^

2] Ooooh, now I know what "conversion boss" mean ! x3 Seeing what Tessa and Matthias are as conversion boss, I would love to see Elami as a milf conversion boss~ Will she be as well a pregnant conversion boss, like for each milf changed we have the coice to make tthem pregnant or not ? And about pregnancy, will there be male preg ?

3] Ok, purrfect ^^

Again, thanks for the reply :3


1, completely dependent on the votes! i hope to have at least two per character, but at a certain point, the scope for the project will grow exponentially X3

2, some of elami's milf tfs will have pregnancy attatched, but not all of them. Mpreg probably wouldnt be elami's doing, but its certainly possible! 

lew muscle tg and lew twinned ?

(1 edit)

Nevermind i got the lew twinned but i still looking for lew muscle tg also how to get mag peasant and sugar?

all the details are included in the walkthrough! 

(2 edits)

But i can't find it, it doesn't appear can you tell me wich page appear or can you explain it?

check the Magnificence section of the form checklist. the sugar baby and peasent forms are the two unique variants of that TF

Nothing i did no find it? or understand?

this one is super simple. you just need magnificence to be marked, and 15 influence. then you can pick either of the two forms

No wait i think i got it thank you

How to get Lewis Princess in the version 0.10?

(1 edit)

Go against Akarion and loose to him at the beggining then speak two times to mazaret to go against her in the first challenge than play patiently for loosing against her :3


It work thank you

(2 edits)

I have gotten Magnificence to my harem transformation but when i go to my gallery the nude images are still dark like i have not unlocked them a little help please. Its the same with other characters please help.

sorry about that, probably a bug. ill see what i can do 

Thank You I really do like your game!

Hello, I love the game so far but I was just curious on if you have any plans for any kind of twinkification or Femboy-esk transformation for Lewis? As of so far I've encountered a full on gender swap for Lewis and a masculinization/muscle growth transformation but if a Femboy tf exists I've yet to find it. Otherwise I look forwards to your next updates especially any more M/M content.

well, lewis is already pretty femboy as is, but we have that sort of tf planned for akarion down the line! 

Is the downloaded version the same as the HTML version?

yup! the only advantage of the downloaded version is that the web version will sometimes stall and take a bit to load assets. 

It'd be neat if we could see the memory changes that we instigate in other characters.


I understand the appeal of the game is managing limited actions and influence to lead you down different paths. I quite enjoy how the game is.

Though I am curious, will there ever be a creative or easy mode that gives you more actions and influence? To allow for more possibilities in a single save.

thats essentially the cheat version which is available on patreon, but the game falls apart pretty fast. even in its final state, sequence breaking the routes will likely destroy some of them X3

(1 edit)

Hello, I love how little by little the game is improving and increasing the variety of transformations, events, dialogues, etc. and I have a question, 

When we use the coins to make Gethra young, will there be more options later on besides making her mind younger? 

For example, making her breasts bigger or making her muscular? (Sorry if the question is poorly worded, I communicate using Google Translate)

absolutely! we hope to give each character a few general tfs, as well as some more unique ones meant just for them! 

If we can give to Ghetra hyper boobs I'll be happy x3

Do you have a plan to add more M/M content in the future?


absolutely! a full male cast run will be possible in the very next update ;3

Interesting, but that make me have a question : will there be in the futur a full female and a full herm run possible ? ^^

full female is next update too! and herms might be a bit more rare

Oh, great ! ^^

(1 edit)

Just a doubt.
Updates are montly or just released whenever they are ready?

Monthly on the 4th usually around midnight

Why am i unable to access any other groups room?

you have to be apart of a court in order to access their private areas 

How do I become apart of a court?

theres a couple different ways, but you will essentially need to befriend another character till they offer you a court swap! details are in the walkthrough! 

Do you have to download to get all the content or is all content available without downloading?

we recommend downloading for the smoothest experience,  but the browser version contains all of the publicly available content. if you would like a sneak peak at the next months update, feel free to check out our patreon! 


Will there be any unwilling courtswaps for Lewis? so far all of the courtswaps have been willingly by Lewis, but I'd be interested in seeing how an unwilling courtswap would be, especially in his mind changes and stuff.

oh absolutely! we'll get to that in a little while~ ;3

oh yeah, i was gonna ask, we're at 0.8 rn, so that means we got like, 2 versions till we get to 1.0 right? what are you gonna do at that point? 0.95? 1.1? or something else?

the next version will be 0.10 :p

we wont be to a 1.0 until a full playthrough is possible at the very least. 

yeah that makes sense. cool, cool, looking forward to it.

What do you think the first fully complete route is going to be? Just wondering?

no idea! X3


Will we get to make more species like the Matthias racoon? 


absolutely! those punishment tfs will show up more and more as we go on and add more opportunities for cast members (and the player~) to cheat! 


(1 edit)

I know this is a lot to ask but will more TFs eventually have their own sequences? Like the Louis->Lewis TF sequence after losing to Akarion.


we are hoping to do as many as possible! granted, theres alot of them, especially considering how multiple forms can start each tf, but we hope to illustrate as many as we can afford. I typically reserve those sequences for guest artists since it can be a good opportunity to break from the usual style!

Deleted 318 days ago
Deleted 318 days ago

possibly! but yeah, tessa is meant to be a big villain X3

When you give Marazet a dick, does she become a futa or a hermaphrodite? in laymen's terms, does she still have a vagina or does she only have a penis?


im pretty sure futa and hermaphrodite refer to the same thing. shemale would be the term for a gal with tits and dick. but to answer the question, she has all the bits X3

yeah idk how it works ,but I def know shemale is def one term for tits and dick, but either way, thanks for the answer, and looking forward to seeing her as a demon!

I have a really great idea!

What about court swapping characters who typically court swap you? Like if you hypnotize Reese instead of him hypnotizing you in Mingle Phase 2 you could use influence to make him an Oleogarch and do the same for Rhianna. 

Also will we get a Ruby romance questline? Since we know that Lewis/Lois are attracted to them with the "Hell you want to marry her your self," line when seeing her for the first time could that be a possibility in a future patch?

Also love the game and can't wait to see where the storyline goes! 

Also Reese = Best Boy and Renae = Best Girl.

most definitely! court swaps will be something we add in more later down the line, but we intend to have a whole host of them, and not just related to the main character ;3

ruby will also be a cute lil romance route at some point!

Sorry to bother you again but how do you interact with Richter outside of warning him in Mingle Pahse 2? From where the scene where he turns into Riby takes place he should be in the banquet hall but I can’t find him. 

as of right now, richter can only show up on the beach in mingle phase 1, and then mingles 2 and 3 he's in his room in the poodalist court. this is mostly a placeholder because we havent given him any different artwork to show up in any of the other areas. 

i really like this, would be better to be able to name the save or get some sort of count on the friendship level of the characters, so i can guess on what route I am when I get back to it.

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